As an AVEENO Ambassador, I’m so excited to announce that their Be An Active Natural™ Fund is officially LIVE on their Facebook page!  As you may remember, they began their Be an Active Natural™ program last year, with some amazing initiatives and monthly pledges on their Facebook page to get people involved and doing their part. 
They are continuing the successful program with the launch of their Be An Active Natural™ Fund to continue inspiring people, and get them to stand behind the idea of ACTIVE NATURALS®.  This involves taking care of your skin by using natural ingredients for a more healthy lifestyle, as well as us ourselves being “active naturals” by getting involved with our communities to make a healthy and beautiful difference! 

AVEENO® created the Be An Active Natural™ Fund to award more than $300,000 in grants to individuals and organizations that create positive change in their communities.  Share your story about what kind of activities you’re doing to nourish beautiful change within your community, school or family.  Every month through November 2012, two finalists from all the eligible entries will have the opportunity to win a $10,000 grant to further their amazing efforts.

Complete details can be found on the AVEENO Facebook Page.  This is such an exciting and unique program, and I can’t wait for winners to be chosen!

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