
studs earrings


Between the holiday season and my recent wedding, I have been in full glam mode! One of my favorite ways to dress up any outfit and add a little pizzaz is with sparkly, dazzling earrings. With the rising trend of ear jackets and ear cuffs, there are even more opportunities to add an extra pop of glitz to your ears! Whether they’re dainty (I love dainty pieces, have you seen my recent post on dainty gold rings?) or bold, ear jackets are a fun and unique piece of jewelry that are sure to be showstoppers! For special occasions or just to dress up a tee and jeans, the sky is the limit when it comes to shapes, styles, and designs. Since they’re currently trending so hard, it’s easy to find a variety of ear jackets from different retailers and at affordable price points! Here are a few impressive ear jacket…