
International Delight coffee creamer


Almost every morning, I make my own coffee or iced lattes. Working full-time, freelancing, and blogging, I sure do need my caffeine! I love me some Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts, but if I purchased my fancy lattes every time I wanted coffee, I would be spending A LOT of moola!That’s why I have figured out my own perfect (super easy!) recipe for a Make-It-Yourself Iced Latte. After tweeting a picture of my Iced Cinnabon Latte this morning, and getting some great feedback, I wanted to share my recipe!Here’s the non-Instagram version of this morning’s iced Cinnabon latteRecipe:• 1 heaping tsp of instant espresso (I usually use Cafe Bustelo Instant Espresso). I then add water until the cup is about 1/4 of the way full (if you have fresh espresso, but all means, use it. But for me, this is quick and easy, as I don’t have access to fresh).• If…