
Color Club


Color Club Nail Color has been making some noise in the nail color industry. Newly available at the consumer level, they took Fashion Week by storm with some exciting and interesting designs.They started out at the bridal themed Imitation Show. Their lead manicurist, Fumiko Kano, featured Color Club’s Incognito, a pinky beige tone along with silver glitter and small rhinestones from Color Club’s Art Club nail art line. They then took the stage at the Charlotte Ronson show, whose team who chose Color Club’s Pret-a Pink shade (a pinky-nude), which they felt would be the perfect fit to Ronson’s minimal yet feminine aesthetic. After Lincoln Center, it was off to Milk Studios where Katie Gallagher’s “SS12 Red Red Blood” Presentation was debuted. Led by celebrity manicurist Alicia Torello, from the Wall Group, the nail team applied Color Club’s Where’s the Soiree black on the underside of the nail, with two…